Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
Based on the traditional Chinese medicine, the person consists of the sum of the energy, substances, influences that he has received from his parents, the environment, the food and the air that he breaths.
The body acts as an organic sum of energy where all the organs, tissues and thoughts are connected with each other through the meridian pathways or central nervous system according to Western medicine. Homeostasis is constantly being regulated, balanced and dependent on the equilibrium of this energy. When the organism fails to regulate this internal energy and adapt on the internal/external changes, the body looses its harmony and its correct function.
The disharmony forces the body to respond by creating ailment on the physical or mental frame. The aim of acupuncture is to restore the person’s equilibrium by inserting fine needles and re-balancing their energy, or what the Chinese call the “Qi”. With free movement of Qi, blockages and stagnation are dissolved and the healing is continued the natural way.
After a detailed case history is taken of the patient’s condition and general health (energy levels, sleep patterns etc) as well as their lifestyle , pulse and tongue diagnosis is being made, specific acupuncture points on the whole body are being chosen unique to each patient.
Needles are placed in points that are on the meridian channels through which it is possible to connect with our energy circulation and correct the flow of Qi.
The superficial entry of the needles on different parts of the body is a non invasive way of treatment which also controls the functions of the body without dangerous side effects. The meridians as well as the central nervous system transfer the signals from the body to the brain and the other way around. Through the local stimulation, with the help of the small needles, the nerve endings are sending the message to the brain. The immune system is being activated and excretes hormones and other molecular substances. In this way the self healing is achieved and the improvement of the physical and mental health and the balancing of the emotions.
Japanese Acupuncture
In contrast to Chinese acupuncture, in the Japanese style acupuncture the needles that are being used are thinner and insertion is very shallow.
Most of the times only the surface of the skin is stimulated, and because of that Japanese acupuncture is considered to be less invasive, softer and more subtle.
Over the course of a treatment the emphasis is placed on examining the pulse frequently and palpating the abdomen and meridians in order to sense subtle changes and in this way chose the next most appropriate step.